Ateliers MuquetAteliers Muquet
Ateliers MuquetAteliers Muquet
Ateliers MuquetAteliers Muquet

Once upon a time… Ateliers Muquet – Part 6

Follow the story of the company from its very beginning to the present day.
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to read the previous section.

2011: United we stand

Georges Muquet met the partners at Atelier 78 in March 2011, and suggested that they acquire his company. This offer led to the union of two entities, made possible through a shared vision and a love of the same professions. The skills and talents that had been cultivated in the two companies were perfectly combined.

The following year, the new company received the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Company) label of excellence.

Take a look at our other creations on our website and social media
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Press release Ateliers Muquet & Lindera

Meunuisier au travail

Atelier Muquet’s exceptional production workshop

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